WavLM model ensemble for audio deepfake detection (bibtex)
by David Combei, Adriana Stan, Dan Oneata, Horia Cucu
David Combei, Adriana Stan, Dan Oneata, Horia Cucu, "WavLM model ensemble for audio deepfake detection", In Proceedings of the Automatic Speaker Verification and Spoofing Countermeasures Challenge (ASVSpoof5), 2024.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {Combei, David and Stan, Adriana and Oneata, Dan and Cucu, Horia},
  title = {WavLM model ensemble for audio deepfake detection},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Automatic Speaker Verification and Spoofing Countermeasures Challenge (ASVSpoof5)},
  year = 2024,
  url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.07414},
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