An Approach to Lexical Stress Detection from Transcribed Continuous Speech Using Acoustic Features (bibtex)
by Jószef Domokos, Adriana Stan, Mircea Giurgiu
Jószef Domokos, Adriana Stan, Mircea Giurgiu, "An Approach to Lexical Stress Detection from Transcribed Continuous Speech Using Acoustic Features", In Proc. 22nd Telecommunications Forum, Belgrade, Serbia, 2014.
Bibtex Entry:
title = {{An Approach to Lexical Stress Detection from Transcribed Continuous Speech Using Acoustic Features}},
author = {Jószef Domokos and Adriana Stan and Mircea Giurgiu},
booktitle = {Proc. 22nd Telecommunications Forum},
year = 2014,
address = {Belgrade, Serbia},
month = {November},
url = {papers/2014_TELFOR.pdf}
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